6 Major Recruitment Mistakes Employers Commonly Make

A company is only as good as its employees but finding and hiring the right people for the job isn’t always easy. It’s not that the talent isn’t out there. Often, companies make some common recruitment mistakes. Here are some things to avoid doing, according to the experts at our hiring agency.

Not Defining Your Ideal Candidate

If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you won’t know how or if you’ve found it. Before you post a job opening, take the time to determine what you’re looking for in a candidate. Defining skills and experience is important, but also consider what personality traits would make someone successful in the role.

Not Looking Internally

Sometimes the best person for the job is already working for you! Hiring externally is a good way to add fresh blood to the office, but internal hires have the advantage of already knowing the company. Promoting internally is a great way to show others there is career growth within the company, and it rewards loyal, hardworking employees.

Making the Hiring Process Too Complicated

A lot of companies forget that hiring is a two-way street. Your business is looking to attract quality talent, but job seekers are also evaluating your company to see if they want to work there. Making the hiring process too long or complicated is a quick way to show candidates you’re not really serious about finding someone. Good hires are in hot demand, and making them jump through a lot of hoops isn’t likely to appeal to them.

Taking Too Long or Rushing

Finding the right person for a job opening can take time. Rushing the process might fill the opening sooner, but it could result in your hiring the wrong person and having to do the process over again. On the other hand, taking too long is equally as detrimental. You can’t expect quality candidates to sit around waiting forever to hear if they’ve gotten the position. A long hiring process also puts additional strain and stress on the team already in place. Be mindful of your hiring timeline.

Not Thinking About the Job Posting

Many companies make the mistake of thinking of the interview as the first impression, but it’s really the job posting. A good job posting should tell the candidate everything they need to know about the job and company. Be sure to include things such as what your company does, what the job entails, what you’re looking for in a candidate, and how they can apply.

Not Utilizing Help

Recruiting is a skill, and if your company doesn’t have a dedicated department for it, you should consider outsourcing help. The hiring process can be long and time-consuming. Rather than taking time away from other duties, let the hiring experts like Nova Staffing do it for you. Recruitment agencies have the skills and experience needed to find quality candidates within your timeline.

If you need recruitment help, contact Nova Staffing today. Our team of hiring experts has over 200 years of combined industry experience, and we’re ready to fulfill any open job positions you have.

Canada-U.S. Border Saw $35B in Truck Shipments

Trucks move the majority of goods between Canada and the United States, and they transported over $35 billion in freight across the border in October 2022. Trucks moved US$35.1 billion in goods, accounting for more than half of the $65.4 billion transborder freight.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the trucking industry also moved $48.2 billion in freight across the U.S.-Mexico border. Combined with Canada-U.S., this marked a 12.9% increase in North America’s transborder truck freight compared to 2021.

The report also highlighted the top three truck ports along the Canada-U.S. border, including Detroit, Michigan ($10.2 billion), Port Huron, Michigan ($5.8 billion), and Buffalo, New York ($5.8 billion). All three of these land ports accessed through Ontario, making them popular crossings for Canada-U.S. day trip truckers. The top three commodities moved by truck across the border included computers and parts ($5.7 billion), vehicles and parts ($4.7 billion), and electrical machinery ($2.4 billion).

The remaining shipments across the Canada-U.S. border were moved by pipelines ($10.3 billion), rail ($9.2 billion), air ($3.3 billion), and vessels ($3.2 billion). The value of oil increased by 7.4% between October 2022 and October 2021, contributing to the increased use of pipelines and vessels.

Transportation and trucking continue to be important industries in the U.S. and Canada. With rising demand and a need for qualified drivers, there are tons of lucrative career opportunities for those interested. If you’re interested in truck driving positions, contact Nova to avail job from driver recruitment agency services or check out our online job board.