When Should Companies Use a Recruitment Agency?

Finding and recruiting new hires is never as simple as people think. Companies often think they have the hiring process nailed down, but then wonder why retention is low, and turnover is high. Recruitment is a skill, and it’s what hiring agencies like Nova Staffing specialize in. While not every business needs the skills of a recruitment agency, they can be extremely helpful, especially in certain situations. Here are a few times your business should consider using the services of a recruitment agency.


No Internal Team

Not every company has its own internal HR or hiring team. If they don’t, it means hiring often falls on managers. While this isn’t always bad, most managers don’t have experience with hiring. This means they don’t necessarily know what to look for or what questions to ask. They also probably just don’t have the time to dig through resumes and sit through a lot of interviews. At Nova Staffing, our team of hiring professionals has over 200 years of combined industry experience. We know how to find quality candidates that will better your team and stick around, leaving you the time to do what you do best- running your business!



There’s a difference between having open positions and being understaffed. Most companies have more staff than they need at one time to account for vacations, illnesses, or workload influxes. If your company is understaffed, that means other employees are probably taking on extra work, which could lead to mistakes or burnout. Being understaffed for long periods can be detrimental to a business. If your company is understaffed, you don’t have the luxury of taking your time to do the hiring process yourself. You’ll be too busy! Instead, rely on a recruitment agency to find qualified candidates quickly so your team can get back to full force.


Crucial Roles

Some roles are easier to hire for than others. General positions, with many qualified candidates to choose from, are more straightforward. However, roles that are crucial or highly specialized may take more skill. That’s where it’s beneficial to call on the services of a hiring agency. Hiring agencies like Nova Staffing have teams of recruitment professionals that have years of experience finding quality candidates. They know what to look for to find the perfect hire with all of the qualifications you need.


Seasonal Hires

The holiday season is nearly here, which means an influx of work for many industries. You may want to hire seasonal workers if your business experiences an increased workload during the holidays. Finding and hiring seasonal workers, especially for such a short time, might not be the best use of your time if things are already busy. That’s why using a recruitment agency like Nova Staffing, which has experience hiring seasonal workers, makes sense.


Temporary Workers

The holiday season isn’t the only time your business may need temporary workers. Temporary workers aren’t just seasonal. They can be useful whenever you need extra help, either due to an influx of workload or when employees may be away for an extended but temporary time period, such as maternity leave or medical leave of absence. Companies may not want to dedicate internal time or resources to hiring temporary workers, which is when using a temp hiring agency such as Nova Staffing makes sense.


Does your company need help to find qualified candidates? Contact Nova Staffing today. Our team of recruitment professionals has over 200 years of combined industry experience and is ready to help find the perfect hires for your open job positions.


When to Hire Temporary Holiday Employees

Does your business start to boom around the holidays? Many companies find their workload starts to pick up as we head into the winter holiday season. This extra work puts pressure and stress on full-time employees. One way businesses can relieve this is to use the services of a temp recruitment agency like Nova Staffing to hire temporary holiday staff. But when should you start looking for holiday help?


Holiday Season

The festive holiday season is typically from November to December. However, many businesses start to feel the crunch earlier and begin preparing for it as early as late September or early October. Every business will be different, so if you’re not sure when you’re the busiest, take a quick look back at your old records to see when you start to notice the holiday surge.


Think Ahead

Hiring temporary holiday staff tends to be more straightforward than permanent hires. However, that doesn’t mean the process happens overnight. There will still need to be some time to post jobs and hire, so start planning ahead. Ideally, you should start connecting with a temporary staffing agency by October so that you’ll be ready for the November holiday rush.


Plan for Extra Time

You’ll want to be ready to hit the ground running the moment the holiday rush starts. That’s why you should have your temporary holiday staff already lined up and ready to go by then. Temporary staff is meant to relieve stress, so make sure you set aside time to train the holiday hires so that they know their job before the rush starts.


So, When Should Businesses Hire Temporary Holiday Staff?

Now! It’s already October, and most businesses are already gearing up for the holiday rush. If your business is looking to hire holiday staff, you should start talking to your temp staffing agency as soon as possible.


If you’re looking for help finding quality temp workers, contact Nova Staffing today! We’re one of the top temporary staffing agencies in the GTA. Our team of experienced employment experts is here to find you the best holiday hires so that you can take the seasonal surge on with ease.


Temp Recruitment Agency Debunks Temporary Staffing Myths

There are many misconceptions about temporary staffing services, so many that many companies are hesitant about using these services when it comes to filling employment gaps. Many people believe that short-term workers are unskilled, unmotivated, and accept low pay. This couldn’t be further from the truth.  


At Nova Staffing, we specialize in temporary staffing solutions, and our hiring experts are here to debunk some of the most common myths about temp employment.


Myth 1: Temp Workers are Unskilled

The idea that temporary workers lack the skills to fill a permanent position is just so false. Companies that work with reputable temp staffing agencies like Nova Staffing will only provide our clients workers that have all the necessary skills and training to fulfill whatever position they’re looking for.


Most temps have extensive work experience, impressive educational background, and highly sought-after skills. They could easily find permanent employment but prefer to flexibility and short-term work that temporary employment brings.  


Myth 2: Temp Workers Aren’t Suitable for Permanent Positions

The concept that temporary workers are suitable for permanent positions and that you’re getting stuck with someone’s leftovers or undesirables is just untrue. There are a lot of reasons why people may choose to pursue temp work, such as:

  • They like the variety temporary work provides
  • They enjoy the flexibility
  • They are in the process of continuing their education
  • They have family responsibilities
  • They are transitioning into retirement
  • They are new to the area


Temporary work just fits into some people’s lifestyles better. For others, temp employment is also just a stepping stone, which brings us to our next myth.


Myth 3: Temp Workers Always Stay that Way

At Nova Staffing, we have a number of companies that use temporary staffing solutions to figure out whether or not a candidate is a good fit before hiring them full-time. This is called temp-to-hire, which allows companies to test out workers before offering them permanent positions.


In fact, many of our temp workers get offered full-time, permanent positions after their temp contracts are done. It can be hard to gauge whether they’ll be a good fit beyond past employment and skillset when hiring new workers. Temp staffing solutions can help with this issue, giving you a chance to test employment without any commitment.


Myth 4: Temp Work is Low Paying

It’s not just employers that buy into myths about temporary employment. Many workers are hesitant to accept temp work because they think it means taking lower pay. While temporary employees don’t get the same benefits as permanent workers, they do tend to get paid good salaries. This is especially true if the temp worker has a sought-after skillset. Many companies are willing to pay a higher salary since they don’t have the additional financial burden of PTO, vacation days, and benefits.


Is your company looking for temporary staffing solutions? Contact Nova Staffing today! We’re one of the top temp employment agencies in the GTA and can help your company with all of its recruiting needs.