Post-Pandemic Hiring Trends to Pay Attention To

Post-Pandemic Hiring Trends to Pay Attention To- NOVA STAFFING

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted almost every aspect of daily life across the world. Restrictions have begun to loosen up, but the pandemic is going to have a lasting impact on how everything is done, including hiring. Below are a few hiring trends that companies should pay attention to in a post-pandemic landscape.


Focus on Flexibility

Flexibility will be at the forefront of hiring for the next few years. The pandemic has shown that companies and employees who are adaptable are the most likely to survive. Increased flexibility in things such as remote working, work schedules, and contract types are growing in popularity already and benefit both parties. Businesses are able to find qualified candidates to meet their needs quicker, and candidates can find positions that are a good fit.


Digital Recruitment and Onboarding

The pandemic highlighted just how vital technology is to business these days. Even as businesses begin to move back into physical workspaces, technology is going to play a crucial role in how companies operate. With social distancing still being required, businesses are going to have to rely on digital recruitment and onboarding for the foreseeable future. This is a great reason to utilize the services of a recruitment agency such as Nova Staffing. We will take care of virtually finding qualified candidates, sending only the best your way so that you can simply focus on onboarding and running your company.


Industry Specific

The pandemic hit almost every industry, but not all of them felt the same impact. While some sectors are struggling and have all but stopped hiring, others are expanding rapidly. Industries such as healthcare, grocery stores, telecommunications, customer service, and delivery services are looking to hire qualified employees right now. These industries were essential during the pandemic and their importance is not going to diminish any time soon.


If you’re looking for HR solutions from experts, Nova Staffing is ready to meet your needs. Our employment agency is one of the best in Toronto and we are committed to helping employers find qualified staff during these tough times by staying ahead of all hiring trends. Contact us today to get started!


Why to Outsource to Get the Best HR Solutions?

HR solutions

If you own a business, we’re sure you’ve been in a situation where you’ve had to focus on way too small irrelevant tasks and not the business itself. Rings a bell? We know how it is. And that’s why, outsourcing your hiring needs to a HR services staffing agency could help take one of the many burdens off and let you focus on your business.

HR solutions vary across businesses, in fact they vary as per departments within a business. For such complex activities you need someone that truly understands the process of hiring, has the time to commit to it, and also the necessary resources and connections at their disposal. You need to find an HR recruiter from Toronto who has the experience and expertise to handle your hiring needs. 

HR services staffing agency such as Nova Staffing specialize in hiring a few fields. We know what it takes to find the person with those specific skills that you’re looking for. The best part is that we have access to an existing pool of candidates to help you out for a day, a week, a month, or longer. And, if we can’t find someone from that to meet your needs we extend our search to get you the ideal candidate. 

Do you think you have this kind of time to invest in hiring? We don’t think so. Leave it to us experts who can, to find the HR solutions for all your hiring problems. We know how hiring can be a difficult process, and a lengthy one. Not only are you looking for a specific skillset, but you’re looking for a certain kind of individual, one who clicks with your corporate culture. That, coupled with the fact you probably receive many applications, makes it difficult to hire. If you need to hire for multiple positions, things can quickly become overwhelming. This may lead you to make hiring mistakes which in the long run can be very costly. 

Providing you with HR Solutions is a long-term plan for us. It’s hardly in recruiting agencies’ best interests to simply fill positions with unqualified candidates or to pass along a number of resumes for people who don’t meet your requirements. We, HR recruiters from Toronto, are just as invested in finding the right person as you are!

Many businesses are now turning to HR services staffing agencies, with a move towards ‘partner’ relationships between employer and agency. So, let us be your partners and together we can work towards finding the best suited employees to help with your organization’s goals and objectives. Contact us today to see how we can be of service!

Hire the Best from a Pool of Candidates

hr solutions

Any recruiter today will tell you that they receive hundreds of resumes a day, but far and few in-between are actually from qualified candidates. This is a dilemma for recruiters and businesses looking to fill vacant job posts. How can you find the best possible candidates in a job pool to interview for your business? Simple: utilize the HR services that staffing agencies like Nova Staffing have to offer. 3rd-party human resources services help to ensure that your job candidates are the best of the best so that you can focus on the important day-to-day needs of your business.


HR services have a number of sourcing tools at their disposal, which means they can easily find tons of excellent candidate profiles to fill your vacant position. This is a great asset, as sourcing tools can be costly options for any small business trying to find great candidates on their own. With a 3rd-party HR solution, you can save the hundreds of dollars it would have cost to create pricey monthly memberships for job posting websites.

Resume Review

3rd-party HR solutions compile an ample list of resumes from a multitude of sources. These HR services will review hundreds of submitted resumes in search of the perfect shortlist of CVs for your approval. An effective HR service will check to make sure that the resumes that you review properly meet the requirements of your posted job description.

Background Checks

With a 3rd-party HR service, you’ll never have to worry about any unsavory facts about your candidates slipping through the cracks. Companies like Nova Staffing will meticulously check the references of all candidates of interest. They will also determine whether the applicant’s academic credentials are verified —it’s easy to include a University degree on a resume, but many applicants don’t know that it’s just as easy for an experienced human resource service to determine whether that degree exists. Most importantly, HR services will devise a thorough criminal background check to ensure that your potential addition to the office isn’t a threat to the safety of others.

Career Counseling and Outplacement

HR recruiters utilize outplacement — a support service by which the goal is to help out-of-work employees transition into new jobs. During outplacement sessions, HR recruiters provide practical advice and job training to keep Candidates up-to-date with the trends of their field. Working this closely with candidates enables HR recruiters to determine which businesses they would most likely thrive in, greatly reducing the odds of a bad hire situation. This way, everybody wins — your business gets a hard-working and knowledgeable new hire, and your new employee gets the chance they deserve to thrive in a work environment that suits them.